Data Model curates cloud products into hierarchical groups, also known as a taxonomy. Taxonomy terms are populated by metadata in each product, product tier and glossary entry.

Entry Type Description Directory in product catalog
Product Documented cloud products products/{service}/{provider}/{product}
Product Tier Tiers of cloud products products/{service}/{provider}/{product}/{tier}/{tierProduct}
Glossary Terms in product taxonomy glossary/

Taxonomy Group

Terms for each group originate in products. The glossary independently defines a term.

    GLOSSARY |o..|| SERVICE : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| PROVIDER : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| DOMAIN : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| CATEGORY : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| FEATURE : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| LABEL : defines
    SERVICE ||--o{ PRODUCT : originates
    PROVIDER ||--o{ PRODUCT : originates
    DOMAIN ||--o{ PRODUCT : originates
    CATEGORY ||--o{ PRODUCT : originates
    FEATURE ||--o{ PRODUCT : originates
    FEATURE ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : originates
    LABEL ||--o{ PRODUCT : originates
    LABEL ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : originates
    PRODUCT ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : has
Group Description Example Terms
Service Purpose of a cloud product Monitor, Governance
Provider Originator of a cloud product AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
Domain Collection of services with intersecting categories Observability, Modernization
Category Group specific to a domain and/or service Auditing, Dashboards
Feature Specific functionality from a product Alerts, Reports
Label Attribute of a product Deprecated

Example Metadata

Let’s explore product entries for monitoring products:

  - "monitor"
  - "aws"
  - "observability"
  - "telemetry data"
  - "alerts"
  - "open telemetry"
title: "Amazon CloudWatch"
linkTitle: "Amazon CloudWatch"
  - "monitor"
  - "azure"
  - "observability"
  - "telemetry data"
  - "auditing"
  - "alerts"
title: "Azure Monitor"
linkTitle: "Azure Monitor"
  - "monitor"
  - "gcp"
  - "observability"
  - "dashboards"
  - "telemetry data"
  - "alerts"
  - "open telemetry"
title: "Google Cloud Monitoring"
linkTitle: "Google Cloud Monitoring"

And glossary entries that support them:

title: "Observability"
linkTitle: "observability"
definitionLink: ""
  - "monitor"
title: "Telemetry Data"
linkTitle: "telemetry data"
definitionLink: ""
  - "monitor"
  - "observability"
title: "Open Telemetry"
linkTitle: "open telemetry"
  - "observability"
title: "Alerts"
linkTitle: "alerts"
definitionLink: ""

Notice the relationship of glossary linkTitle with the product entries.

What about product tier entries?

The products above did not have any product tiers, but examples would be:

  - "example feature"
  - "example label"
title: "Product Name (model name)"
linkTitle: "Model Name"
productHierarchyTier: "model"
  - "example feature"
  - "example label"
title: "Product Component Name"
linkTitle: "Component Name"
productHierarchyTier: "component"

Notice that services, categories and domains were not listed. They’re inherited from the product. It’s possible to list additional entries for all groups, but that is not illustrated on this page.

Products vs Product Tiers

Difference Product Product Tier
Location {product-path}/ {product-path}/product-id/tier-id/
Attribute N/A productHierarchyTier="model" or "component"
Groups can inherit from glossary also inherits from product

Models vs Components

Difference Model Component
Purpose Types of a product Sub-products
Nesting Under product or component Under product

Term Relations

The glossary optionally relates each term to ancestor groups. Many products reference each term.

    PRODUCT ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : has
    GLOSSARY |o..|| SERVICE : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| PROVIDER : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| DOMAIN : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| CATEGORY : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| FEATURE : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| LABEL : defines
    SERVICE ||--o{ PRODUCT : relates
    PROVIDER ||--o{ PRODUCT : creates
    DOMAIN ||--o{ PRODUCT : relates
    CATEGORY ||--o{ PRODUCT : relates
    FEATURE ||--o{ PRODUCT : relates
    FEATURE ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : relates
    LABEL ||--o{ PRODUCT : describes
    LABEL ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : describes
    DOMAIN }|--o{ DOMAIN : relates
    DOMAIN ||--o{ SERVICE : relates
    CATEGORY ||--o{ DOMAIN : relates
    CATEGORY }|--o{ CATEGORY: relates
    FEATURE ||--o{ CATEGORY : relates
Group Ancestors Descendants
Service N/A Domain, Category, Feature
Provider N/A N/A
Domain Domain Service, Category, Feature
Category Domain, Service, Category Feature
Feature Domain, Service, Category N/A
Label N/A N/A

Domain and Category can have subgroups. i.e. container orchestrator and kubernetes

Logical Data Model

Terms referenced in product entries inhert their ancestors from the glossary.

    GLOSSARY |o..|| PROVIDER : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| SERVICE : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| DOMAIN : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| CATEGORY : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| FEATURE : defines
    GLOSSARY |o..|| LABEL : defines
        string title
        string linkTitle PK
        url definitionLink
    SERVICE }|--|{ PRODUCT : relates
    SERVICE }o--o{ DOMAIN : relates
        string term PK
    PROVIDER }|--|{ PRODUCT : creates
        string term PK
    DOMAIN }|--|{ PRODUCT : relates
    DOMAIN }o--o{ CATEGORY : relates
    DOMAIN }|--o{ DOMAIN : relates
    DOMAIN {
        string term PK
        array services FK
        array domains FK
    CATEGORY }|--|{ PRODUCT : relates 
    CATEGORY }o--o{ FEATURE : relates
    CATEGORY }|--o{ CATEGORY: relates
        string term PK
        array services FK
        array domains FK
        array categories FK
    FEATURE }o--o{ PRODUCT : relates 
    FEATURE }o--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : relates 
        string term PK
        array services FK
        array domains FK
        array categories FK
    LABEL }o--o{ PRODUCT : describes
    LABEL }o--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : describes
    LABEL {
        string term PK
        string title
        string linkTitle
        array services FK
        array providers FK
        array domains FK
        array categories FK
        array features FK
        array labels FK
    PRODUCT ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : relates
    PRODUCT-TIER ||--o{ PRODUCT-TIER : relates
        string title
        string linkTitle
        string productHierarchyTier
        string parentProductTier
        array features FK
        array labels FK

The model flexibility incurs some complexity and potential of duplicate relationships.

Physical Data Model

Each product specifes minimal taxonomy terms and infers relationships from the glossary.

    GLOSSARY }o--o{ GLOSSARY : relates
        string title "Full title of term"
        string linkTitle PK "Term name as referenced by products"
        url definitionLink "Optional link to definition"
        array services FK "List of terms for related services"
        array domains FK "List of terms for related domains"
        array categories FK "List of terms for related categories"
    GLOSSARY }o..o{ PRODUCT : relates
    PRODUCT ||--o{ PRODUCT : "has tiers"
        string productHierarchyPath PK "Nested path to product or tier"
        string title "Full title of entry"
        string linkTitle "Short title of entry"
        array services FK "List of terms for related services"
        array providers FK "List of terms for related providers"
        array domains FK "List of terms for related domains"
        array categories FK "List of terms for related categories"
        array features FK "List of terms for related features"
        array labels FK "List of terms for related labels"
        string productHierarchyTier "Optional tier of product hierarchy "

Each product and tier entry should minimally list or inherit a service, domain and category. The productHierarchyPath is not an actual column but the physical path in the directory tree.